PRAYING FOR A GODLY SPOUSE.......And marrying a godly Spouse !




A  person’s foundation has a strong influence on who the person marries.  The influence of foundation in the choice of husband and wife is very great because it is the foundation that brings people to you, friends and foes.  

The foundation is a spiritual identity.    If a faulty foundation is not repaired before marriage, the person is certainly going marry the wrong person.  A born-again Christian who did not repair his foundation will have to contend with the wrong people, friends and lovers because the foundation speaking for him is his father's foundation.

It is the foundation that brings people to you.  Those your friends, business partners and even the places you do business or work were directed to you by your foundation and it will attract people with similar foundations.

It is therefore not possible for a person with a broken-home foundation to marry a godly spouse.  I am not talking about a good husband...NO! A good husband is not necessarily godly a husband. 

A godly man or woman who loves the Lord and is humble.  He is faithful before God and would easily be faithful to his spouse.  A godly spouse is a great gift that will become clear to the person after many years of living together.  The peace and progress they will bring to the marriage will be worth the effort.

Meanwhile, a Christian whose foundation is right, whose parents served the Lord will discover that good people, godly and helpful will be attracted to them.  These are friends and partners with a kind hearts and willing to contribute to their progress in life. They will be sent by the foundation on which they are standing, that of good work before the Lord of their parents and themselves.

A foundation of wickedness will send you bad friends, strangers who are not interested in helping the person but to take advantage of him/her.  No one can succeed alone, so friendly and helpful people are a bonus to anyone hoping to experience progress in life.  You need destiny helpers in numbers to lift you and your business up.

If a foundation is polygamous, will attract people with the spirit of Lust and those sexually perverse to the person.  People that love pleasure more than righteousness, and those who are addicted to sex and ungodly sexual pleasure. 

If a Christian fails to rebuild his foundation, that old foundation of his ancestors is the one speaking for him in the spirit and bringing people to them.  Have you wondered why good people sometimes meet with bad guys? It is the foundation.  It has no respect for people.


Life is a battle. There is no realm where the battles of life are more pronounced than the realm of marriage. Marriage is not a joke.  Marriage can determine the quality of life and how long a person lives thereafter.   

You can succeed in other areas of life with ease, but if you are not careful and prayerful, the devil will wrestle you to the ground in the area of marriage.  The reason is that marriage is an important milestone in the life of a Believer.  It is also a major junction where the devil lies in wait for men and women with glorious destiny and try to give them the wrong spouses, with the hope of pulling such people down.

Picking the wrong spouse could spell doom for the Believer.  The powers at play here have no respect for your age, colour or position in life.  Whether you are wealthy or poor, the moment you pick the wrong spouse, the foundation of such a marriage is faulty and with a faulty foundation, you cannot build a solid marital structure.


1. Family Idols and familiar spirits worship

2. Witchcraft family background

3. Occultic family background

4. Polygamous family background

5. Broken Homes.

6.     Family Curses

7.     Secret Covenants

8.     Incest and related evil acts.

It goes without saying therefore that the powers at play here have no respect for your age, colour or position in life.  Whether you are wealthy or poor, the moment you pick the wrong spouse, the foundation of such a marriage is faulty.  With a faulty foundation, you can hardly build a solid marital structure and one that will fulfil godly standards and stand the test of time.

There will be conflict in the home always as the partners are not one in spirit.  Their oneness physically will not last.  That is why a Believer who is fervent in the spirit should never marry an unbeliever.  It is a grievous spiritual mistake.  

The lady who is a witch is spiritually ahead of a Christian brother whose spiritual eyes are not opened.  She knows a lot of things in the spirit, and can easily manipulate and control such a brother to do her bidding without the brother knowing.


After repairing your foundation, you should begin to ask the Lord for a godly spouse.  The first requirement is that you are yourself, a born-again Christian. 


The person asking God for a godly spouse should be born again and godly.  You should speak the right words and make the right request to God.  You should love the Lord, and His Word and obey them.  You should also be god-fearing and humble. 


Marriage can determine the quality of life and how long a person lives thereafter.  Success in marriage will eventually become personal and family success in life.  On the contrary, picking the wrong spouse could spell a disaster of a lifetime.  

So, a great deal of diligence is needed when choosing a spouse, and that is the reason for this training. The training will help you look into your foundation and destroy every contrary power that could speak against your marriage.  Specifically, the question of Idol worshipping, Polygamy, witchcraft, occultism, hidden covenants and curses arising from demonic associations.

The training will show you how to destroy curses, secret dedications and collective bondage manifesting in your family line.  Every evil pattern flowing in your family line like sudden death, lack of peace in marriage, Barrenness, late marriage etc will be destroyed.  Other family errors that could speak against your marriage and childbearing will also be addressed.  Things like Incest, a family curse and related issues.  

After repairing your foundation, what kind of prayer should you be saying to attract the right spouse to yourself, how do you know the person is the right one? What about the spiritual status of the person, how will you know that? the course will deal with all these questions.

Important marriage secrets for a happy home will be covered. Getting marriage right is important for a Christian because God hates divorce.  if you are hoping to marry a godly spouse, friend and help mate, this course will be a blessing to you.  



Friends, Jesus is coming soon.  If you have not yet received Him as Lord and Saviour, I plead with you to do it now.  

Say this simple prayer: 

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ.

I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose again for my justification. I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and reign as my Lord and Saviour.   


I receive Him by faith and I am born again.



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