BIBLE STORY...Esther, The Orphan Girl Who Became A Queen


The story of Esther is one of good home training and spiritual discipline.  She thus became one of the most amazing and interesting characters in the Bible and in history as a whole. 

Her life story was captured in the Book of Esther. Her experiences were quite astounding, as an unknown orphan rose to become the Queen of a prominent King.  

It happened that the queen at the time, Queen Vashti had refused to come at the king's command, and King Ahasuerus was very wroth.  Then, 'Hadassah', that is, Esther, who had neither father nor mother, a maid was fair and beautiful; whom Mordecai took for his own daughter. 

This young lady from a humble beginning, brought up by a foster parent was asked by her Uncle Mordecai told to join in the quest for the next queen in a foreign land.  So, maidens were gathered together unto Shushan the palace, including Esther.

Interestingly, Esther was able to rise to the prominence of the Palace of Ahasuerus (who reigned over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia), without having to compromise the ways of the LORD. Her success and exploits are pleasant indicators that anyone can rise to the top without having to cut corners and indulge in something bad and unholy.

However, this could obviously be possible by the Hand of God. The LORD favoured Esther to get to the prominence of the Palace of a global empire despite being a nobody. Indeed, favour is a spiritual tool that can make you great in life without having to sell your soul to evil.

Yet, your knowledge of God's word and spiritual discipline will surely be put to test before long, to determine your true colours.  Esther did not know what was coming her way.  She did not know that Haman was going to plan the execution of the entire Jewish race under King Ahasuerus.

But, the challenge came, she quietly and wisely called for three days of dry fasting to entreat the LORD for His favour upon her as the queen and intervention in the Jewish matter.  You remember what happened...The LORD was entreated and she was received by the King though she went un-invited to his presence, and the Jews were rescued from the hands of Haman, whom the King hanged by his own Gallow.

I know you want to be a great person in life. Actually, God wants you to be great. He is a Great God Himself, and you were created in His image. However, many people are approaching the path of success in a wrong and dangerous way, thereby getting themselves injured and damaging their souls. Only God can help you become truly great and successful without you having to stain your hands in impurity. And He is always eager to help you become successful.

How can you partner with God to be successful and great in life? Simply make the intentional decision to have an intimate relationship with Him, as He is Your Source. The truth is this: your destiny is to have an intimate righteous relationship with God through Jesus Christ, which empowers you to have dominion.

When you have a good relationship with God in Christ Jesus, you are empowered with the Holy Spirit, who will give you access to all of God's spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus (including favour).

What is the first step? It is embracing Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. Simply tell Him: "LORD JESUS, have mercy on me, as I accept You as Lord and Savior of my life "


Friends, Jesus is coming soon.  It's the loving-kindness of God that He has kept you alive till now and given you time to hear the gospel. If you have not yet received Him as Lord and Saviour, I plead with you to do it now.  

Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow could be too late. 

Say this simple prayer: 

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ.

I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose again for my justification. I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and reign as my Lord and Saviour.   


I receive Him by faith and I am born again.


Source: Excerpts from - Nairaland//the-orphan-girl-who-became-queen.html?m=1

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