These are intercessory prayer, counselling and prophetic advice given to people suffering from dream attacks, witchcraft arrows and manipulations and other forms of demonic spells like moving objects in the body, widespread rejection and suicidal thoughts.

Spiritual services are counselling, care and advice given to people oppressed and afflicted by the devil because of their destiny, or their jobs, beautiful family, intelligent children, prosperity and wealth.

The attacks may not be visible to the human eyes, yet in days or weeks ahead, the effect will begin to manifest in the life of the target.  Every attack from darkness will leave a sign with the target in terms of feelings, bad dreams, and other things the person physically in his or her environment.

These services are conducted according to the word of God and divine principles. They include prayers for healing, deliverance, restoration, strength and wellbeing. 


Spiritual attacks are evil plantations done by the enemy that could lead to failure in life, illness and death.  We’re in a spiritual warfare battle in this world, though many people may not understand it.  

The enemy love people to dismiss spiritual attacks as ‘old school’, so he can keep a lot of people from fulfilling their purpose.  But, in reality, people will always look for solutions when negative events try to dominate their lives.  

When the conditions of life become unbearable, and confusion and hopelessness cover the atmosphere, wise people will seek the help of God through fasting and prayers.  The good news is that God gave us specific words in the bible to counter the attacks of the enemy and his agents.  

So when you observe the following, know that an evil seed may have been planted against you in the realm of the spirit.


1. Deep confusion and feelings of hopelessness

2. Sudden loss of means of livelihood – career or business

3. Sudden desire and craving for sinful acts

4. A strong feeling of lust for the opposite sex in your heart

5. Strong suicidal feeling

6. A strong feeling of rejection. You think people hate you.

7. A sudden feeling of fear and great despair

8. Sudden withdrawal from friends and the Word of God

9. Extreme frustration, lack of peace.

10. Increased error and fatal mistakes – In the office and business

So, when people begin to ask questions like ‘” What is happening to me? Why am I feeling sick, scared and afraid?  Others will say:

Why are strange things happening to me?

Why do I meet the wrong people all the time?

Why do I have difficulty relating with the people I love?

Why do I lack favour, nothing is working for me?

Why do I lose jobs too soon and simple success is hard?

How do I get my life moving again?

At such times, it is important that the observations and signs you have noticed in your body and life be carefully analyzed and prayerfully addressed. If you are weak in prayer, you may need the support of Spirit-filled ministers of God to intercede, counsel and guide you.

That is a good time to contact the Spiritual Clinic Team of Living God Christian University LGCU.  We believe that spiritual conditions of life are better handled through faith in God. As a school established to share the knowledge of God, His mercies and the power to save, we are committed to bearing the burden of others through prayer, counselling and advice.


The Spiritual Clinic will do a deep analysis of each case to establish where the attack is coming from and the best way to resolve it. We offer counsel and prayers, even as our WhatsApp lines are available for a one-on-one chat.  

This service is free to our Subscribers and Partners. It covers the following: 

1. Dream Interpretation – Interpretation of your difficult dreams, counselling and praying for you. 

2. Family and marriage:  Difficult marriage, Late marriage, Delay in childbearing, difficult children etc.

3. Sickness and Healing: Medical and spiritual sickness.  We believe that it is God that heals, so we pray and God answers our prayer with physical healing and wellbeing.

4. Business: The business realm is where a strong spiritual battle to get rich and remain wealthy rages on.  Many Christians do not understand why nobody is buying their goods after prayers.  This training will open your eyes and empower you to succeed in righteousness.

5. Personal: Our personal prayer and counselling services are targeted at:

 a) Youths seeking godly Husband / Wife

 b) People looking for a better job

c)   People in long-distance relationship


You need to send us a detailed description of your situation and what is happening to you.  When it started and how you feel about it.  Feel free to email us whenever you need our support.


Our Team:

The spiritual care team is comprised of a number of Prophets, prayer Intercessors and Pastors.  They stand in the gap, interceding for people before God and believing the Lord for their healing, restoration and blessing.

The Team is headed by Mr. Chinedu Agorson, a minister of God, who is experienced in spiritual warfare, deliverance, and healing ministration.   He is an Intercessor and a prophet, who has followed the path of the LORD closely for many years.


Friends, Jesus is coming soon.  If you have not yet received Him as Lord and Saviour, please do it now.



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