5 Areas of a Woman’s Life That Need God’s Touch



The concept of following-up new converts is one of the critical functions in the church today.  The reason is that if a visitor accepts Christ in your church, it does not guarantee he/she will return to follow-through and be established in Christ.

Therefore, it is important that the church and individual Evangelists should develop a simple intervention plan to follow-up on new converts, including online members.  A group in the church will be charged with this responsibility.

Every member of this group should know they helping to establish a new person’s faith in Jesus Christ.  They are also fulfilling what Apostle Paul  explained in Colossians 1:28, 29, saying:

"…we teach everyone we can all that we know about Him, so that, if possible, we bring every man up to his full maturity in Christ. This is what I am working at all the time with all the strength that God gives me…" (Colossians 1:28, 29).

What is Follow-up:

Follow-up means going back to know the state of your new convert with a view to establishing them in Christ through teaching, exhortation, encouragement and guidance.  It is a systematically planned intervention meant to nourish, care and empower the new convert in the things of God.

Matured Christians knows that when a visitor accepts Christ, it does not guarantee their return to the church next week.  There are many reasons why some of them will not return.  It could be their social class, family bonds, unfounded phobia of restricted lifestyle etc. 

So, concerted effort should be made to know how the new convert is doing and if there are issues bothering him and in his walk in Christ.  I have personally follow up on new converts, only to discover they returned to their old church after accepting Christ in another church, or in a Crusade.

These are some of the reasons why following up on new converts is an important kingdom service.

The Goals of Follow-up

The ultimate goal is to see the new convert established in Christ in the local church and serving the Lord.  It is meant to establish the New Convert's  confidence in Scripture as the basis for Christian faith.  

To help them understand the importance of spiritual growth and how to achieve it and finally build a Christian fellowship that leads to the New Convert's integration into the local church, and into a group in the church.

How To Follow-Up:

1. Personal - Follow up should be done on a personal level.  A person is assigned to the new convert to follow him or her up.  The brother collects the new convert's information contact information and prepares for their first one-on-one meeting or phone conversation.  

The follow up rules which should be strictly followed.  A youth should follow-up a youth, adult for adults, men for men and women for women.

Personal prayer. The most fruitful way is to intercede for the new convert in prayers everyday until they are established.  You never can tell the obstacles he/she may have, the challenges they are battling.  But, when you pray for them, those issues will not stop him from following Christ.  Ideally, you should start the prayer before you make the first personal or phone contact.

By Correspondence - In cases where one-on-one meeting may never be feasible, gospel correspondence is used to reach-out to such new converts.  It consists of personal letter written by an experience Believer to encourage, teach, and guide them in their new faith.  This method is well organized and sent out at the right times to achieve maximum result.

Systematic Coverage - As the follow-up progresses, the new convert is systematically lead to see the bigger picture.  He/she is taken through the following areas to deepen his understanding of his new family in Christ:

1. The reality of salvation
2. How to develop a relationship with Christ
3. Understanding the person of the Holy Spirit
4. How to pray and the great possibilities in prayer
5. How to study the bible and make it a lifestyle
6. How to observe quite time
7 How to live a victorious Christian life
8. The importance of water baptism
9. Faith in God, obedience to the word of God in all things
10. The importance of attending church services, and joining a group.


Friends, Jesus is coming soon.  If you have not received Him as Lord and Saviour, please do so NOW!

Confess your sins to God and ask for His forgiveness, believe He has forgiven you.  Then ask Jesus to come into your heart, and be your Lord and Saviour.  Believe the Lord has also accepted your request and His Spirit is already inside your heart.

If you said that prayer from your heart, know for sure that you are BORN AGAIN, a new baby in the kingdom of God. You have also received the power to be the son or daughter of God.  Congratulations, you're born again!

Watch the short video in Utube on this topic 

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