Making your Christian walk .....EASY!



Greetings to brethren in Jesus' name!

Hope you're doing well.  It's always a pleasure to share the word with sons and daughters of God.

In as much as I pray that the Lord give me a humble and contrite heart, cause me to tremble at His word, and establish me a holy seed unto Himself, I realize I need the Holy Spirit to guide me unto victory and with Him leading you, there is no failures at all.

The enemy is busy distracting believers with financial difficulty, family troubles and spiritual attacks, so they will not have a stable life to serve God.  They believe that with much trouble, you will not be able to show love and have the faith and confidence to witness to others.  But, when the hand of God is upon you for good and the Holy Spirit is working in your heart, it's easy to overcome this end-time trap and serve the Lord.

This piece is aimed at encouraging believers to develop a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit and be strong in faith, in view of the soon coming of our Lord.  The Holy Spirit is our helper in all situations of life.  He came to guide you into all truth, teach us the word of God and remind us of the word, when you need to use them. 

He whispers those words of caution, when we are about to fall into error, He warns us of sudden dangers, and what the enemy is planning.  He shows us the things to come.  He also came to testify of Christ and glorify Him in our lives, to bring the reality of Christ into our lives as another Comforter.  He is the promise of the Father in Acts 1:5, The Power from On high.

The Holy Spirit continues the work started by Christ in the lives of believers and others. He is at work in the lives of struggling men to help them realize their need for salvation, enlightening them that it is not by power or might, but by the Spirit of the Lord. 

He is helping believers on the other hand, to grow in the spirit and succeed in life, whether it is in business, career, or family.  He tells us what to do to overcome critical challenges in life.  When the devil closes your business spiritually, He tells you what to do, the prayers to say and the closed businesses will bounce back to profitability.  He helps believers live a fulfilled life in Christ, a life of power and authority.

In prayer, He knows what we need and directs our prayer aright. He guides us to intercede for others effectively.  The Spirit of God is our ever-present help, and you cannot have a smooth walk without His leadership.  He is the One that gives us all the timely information known as 'Word of knowledge and word of wisdom.  

The success of your Christian walk is strictly tied to knowing the person of the Holy Spirit and walking with Him.  When the Holy Spirit comes into your situation, you will notice uncommon peace of mind, even in the midst of a crisis.  Your problems may still be visible, but they will no longer disturb your peace. You may still be in need, be jobless, or barren in marriage, but His presence in your heart brings confidence, the type the disciples of Christ had whenever He was with them.

He guides you to victory over the enemy and his demons.  His presence gives you the grace to live above your problems, confidence that the Lord will help.  The Holy Spirit is the baptism of fire from on high that every one of us needs to do exploit in the kingdom.   

He is the power behind miracles, signs, and wonders. If you ever want to walk in wisdom, win souls and pray for the sick to recover, you need the Holy Spirit working in your life.  He is the person that makes your kingdom walk peaceful and effective. 

If you want to love your neighbour and live in peace with them, live holy in this corrupt and wicked world, you need the presence and partnership of the Holy Spirit in your life. He came to abide with you forever John 14:16.

The devil may be busy making people run from one place to the other because of fear of the unknown, but you will not be among such people.  The Holy Spirit will show you how to calm things down and dominate your situations.

I don't know what challenges you are going through now, the Holy Spirit will open your spiritual eyes and ears to see what is happening around you., Where the battle is coming from as well as the right prayers to nullify the attacks of the enemy. 

If you have not experienced Him, your Christian experience is not complete, so you have to earnestly desire Him and ask Him to help you. If you obey the word of God and pray regularly, the Holy Spirit will always come to help you.  If you don't have a steady relationship with Him, I encourage you to start one today. It's easy. 

Realize He is a person that you can have a love and honour relationship.  He is the Spirit of truth, He is holy and lives in holy vessels.  He lives in the lives of believers who obey the word of God and who do not grieve Him.  Another important issue with Him is to obey the word of God and His voice.  You need to fear the Lord and stop worrying over life situations, instead commit your ways to God and trust in the Lord. 

If you desire Him today, pray and ask Him to come into your heart and live. The result will be that your life and Christian walk will never remain the same.


Finally, my beloved friends, Jesus is coming back very soon, to take believers into a life of peace and joy, without trouble and pains in paradise. If you will receive Him as your Lord and Saviour today, He will give you the power to succeed in life and make heaven at last.

For those who are considering whether to surrendering their heart to Him or not, I plead with them to do so without delay, tomorrow may be too late. Let them say this simple prayer:

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I am a sinner and I believe Jesus died for my sins, and He arose for my justification. I, therefore, open my heart to receive Him as my Lord and Savior. 

Lord Jesus Christ, come and reign in my heart.  Thank You for saving my life, make me Your own from today, and write my name in the book of life.

You're born again!



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