Dream interpretation has always been a much-needed skill because dreams contain important message for the present and the future.  That was why men gifted with discerning Spirit to interpret dreams were given permanent seat in the King's Palace all through the ages.
God used dreams in the Bible many times to communicate his will, reveal his plans, and to announce future events. However, biblical dream interpretation required careful testing to prove it came from God (Deuteronomy 13).  
We see several examples of God talking to individuals through dreams in the Bible. Some, like Jacob’s dream of the ladder reaching into heaven, was symbolic because Jesus was the literal Ladder, through which men can connect with God - John 1:51
The grace of interpreting dreams is not given to many people in the bible days because God was the custodian of the gift, He gives it to His special sons and daughters, those that have special assignment to perform for Him.
Biblical dream interpretation requires good knowledge of the word of God and the help of the Holy Spirit.  
The hours of the night are the devil’s ‘chosen time’ to attack men and women, who would be resting after the day's work.   
Dreams are very important to our lives because it is one of the few ways God has chosen to speak to us.  He has chosen to communicate with mankind through dreams, through which He guides and counsels us on present challenges and the future.  
Through dreams, the LORD GOD establishes covenants with us, and gives us spiritual gifts and answer to our prayers.  In the Bible, we saw what the gift of dream interpretation did for Daniel in Babylon, Joseph in Egypt.  
1. Men came to fame through dream interpretation - Through dream interpretations, two men got to the peak of their career in foreign lands. due to their ability to interpret the dreams of Kings.
2. King Solomon got God's approval for his 1000 sacrifices made in Gibeon in the dream, when the LORD GOD came to him in the dream and said "Ask what I shall give thee...."  
3. He gives answer to our prayer request in dreams, for instance after King Solomon requested for wisdom to discern good and bad from God.  God answered him in a dream, in 1 Kings3, and 9 saying "Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee...." And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream (I Kings 3:5,9,12,15)
4. God counsels us at night in a dream - has declared in the scriptures that He will counsel us at night through our dreams.  No wonder the Psalmist declared in Ps 16:7 saying "I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night…
5. God does do a whole lot of things in dreams. The bible says “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; Then He opened the ears of men, and sealed their instruction, that He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.
He kept back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing - Job 33:14-18.  It was in the dream that God established His covenant with Abrahamic.
6.  God grants supernatural gifts to us during dreams.  He makes Himself know to us during dreams, especially to the prophets.  He says "Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream" (Num. 12:6).

1. Demonic dreams – Which is a revelation of what the enemy is planning to do, or has already done in the spirit against you.  Here, you have terror dreams, frightening dreams, attacks in the dream, complicated dreams, multiple dreams in one night etc.
2.  Dreams from God - When the Lord comes in the dream to give you specific instruction because of what the enemy is planning to do.
3.  Prophetic dreams – When God decided to show you the plans of the enemy, so you know what to do.  This will normally come as an open vision for matured Christians.  This type of dream happens to people with gifts of prophecy.
4.  Dreams from the Inner man – These are dreams resulting from the day’s activities.  Sometimes, when a person is sick it can also be reflected in his or her dream.  Such dreams are usually unserious dreams.  Dreams that make no sense.
5. Dreams that foretell the Future - 
In a sense, many dreams are foretelling the future. These are called message dreams telling what will happen to a nation, people or person in the years to come.  These are dreams of people who have the burden for the future in their heart, and or people who will play major roles in God's future plan.
6. Symbolic Dreams
Symbolic dreams require an interpretation because they contain symbols and other nonliteral elements which are not plainly understood. Some symbolic dreams in the Bible include that of Joseph's dream of bundles of grain and heavenly bodies bowing down before him.  
That dream was quickly understood by his brothers to mean that they will all be subservient to Joseph in the future - Genesis 37:1-11.
Dream interpretation comes from God and in the past, people who interpreted dreams where men filled with the Spirit of God, who feared the LORD.  Joseph, the dreamer boy answered his co-prisoners in Genesis 40:8 saying "Do not interpretation belong to God?  tell me your dreams",
Daniel was to tell King Nebuchadnezzar that there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known what shall be in the latter days - Daniel 2:27-28.
Spiritual attacks in the dream can take different forms. The bible says “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way” (Matthew 13:25), that’s a spiritual transaction.
Notice the Bible said ‘his enemy came and sowed… That is what the agents of darkness do.  They travel to the room where their targets are sleeping to manipulate or attack them, or if they can make their target's weak spirit into the gathering place to curse them.
During the night hours, agents of darkness (Witches and Wizards) are spiritually alive and active, while the person sleeping is spiritually weak and seaming helpless.  It then becomes easy for the powers of the night to overrun their weak targets, who are sleeping when they come to attack.
Benefits of Dream Interpretations
I. Message dreams foretells the future and the actions needed to avert evil.
2. The meaning of some symbolic dreams are not literal, so they may require interpretation to understand and only then can the necessary actions be taken.
3. Dreams calling for action cannot be ignored.  For instance, if a person who is planning to travel the next morning, dreams of a horrible auto accident the night before his trip.  That is a warning dream that demands action, either to shift the date of the trip or pray to assurance before proceeding on the journey.
4. Some messages in a dream are conditional upon man's response.  Even the best of good dream is a prophesy of something good coming a person's way.  That message prepares the person's mind for the hard work ahead of him, if the prophesy will be established.
Joseph's dream did not require anything from him, except that he remain steadfast in holiness, fearing the LORD and doing His pleasure always.  When a person is heavenly compliant, the God that gave the vision will fulfill it.
5. Each time important dreams are accurately interpreted; the right action is taken and evil is averted.  Also, every time divine instruction from God in a dream is obeyed, tragedy, disaster is averted.  In Matthew 2:12, the wise men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, because Herod desired to kill baby Jesus.  They obeyed the voice of God and the life of the LORD was spared.
1. Dreams gives you a clue to what is happening the spirit realm
2. Dream attacks are deliberately packaged attacks from the devil, using his human agents.  These agents may be living or working with you.  Their purpose is to hinder, kill or destroy good things. 
3. In Mathew 13:25, the Bible says “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way” (Matthew 13:25), that’s a spiritual transaction.
5. When a person experiences widespread rejection, certainly there will be no favour coming that person's way. The result of such an attack is a failure in whatever the person is doing.  The good news is that your prayer will nullify it!
6. These attacks are usually coordinated by a strong enemy who is close to the person being attacked.  If you will be free from their hindrances, you must be prepared to fight back.  The night enemies are known to be: 
7. The agents of darkness are People without conscience.  Whoever does not belong to Satan is their enemy, whether the person is their parents, children or friends.  They can attack anybody who is not living holy.  
Holy brethren are not spared, but their own is more of a test of faith.  It is by living holy, and free from iniquity that can make their target escape.  
8. If you are experiencing Eating in the dream, having sexual intercourse in dreams, falling from height, changing location from 5th floor to basement in the dream, picking snails, Writing examination in an old school, or cobweb at home and outside the house.  
Then you are likely to experience stagnation and the spirit of rejection everywhere you go.  Beware, the enemy wants to turn you into a spiritual slave.
Friends, Jesus is coming soon.  If you have not yet received Him as LORD and Saviour, I plead with you to do it now with this simple prayer: 
Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ.
I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again for my justification. I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and reign as my Lord and Saviour.  
I receive Him by faith and I am born again.
Spiritual Clinic...

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