EARLY MORNING PRAYERS.....The Secret Key to abundant supplies



Rising early to commune with the Lord is such a wonderful thing to do, and whosoever decides to rise early and seek the Lord will soon experience awesome spiritual progress.  Remember, that early morning hour is the best time of the day.  

It is unique from the quietness point of view.  There is no children, husband or wife or parents to trouble you. You have the one-on-one fellowship you desire with the Lord and His presence and grace is assured.

This is why your prayers in the morning cannot be compared to your prayers at any other time of the day.  Your bible study and communion in the early morning hours cannot also be compared with any other time of the day.  It's not a time to be missed.

Jesus Christ, our example, got up early to pray to His Father (Mark 1:35). David also followed this custom by praying three times every day according to Psalms 55:17.  Though it takes character and dedication to observe the early morning prayers regularly, the moment it becomes your way of life, it means your days' power relationship with the Lord is near.

What is Early Rise Communion?

Early morning communion is a time set for fellowshipping with the Almighty God before the sun rises.  It can happen any time from 12am to 6.00am.  It is a time for praise, worship and prayers to minister to the Lord and obtain grace to succeed during the day.

Early rising is an established pathway to receiving 'Manna' from the Lord. Many men of God rise early for communion, even our Lord and Saviour Lord Jesus Himself rose early.  The bible says He got up before dawn to pray.

Rising early is also called 'Morning Watch'.  Morning watch is the secret of many servants of God, Evangelists, Pastors and Prophets even today.  It should be kept early before sunrise.  Rising early beautifies your Christian life and empowers you to receive your prayers answered without delay.  

It is hard to see anyone close to the Lord as a Prayer Warrior, prophet or even Evangelist who rises late.  All the Prophets I have known so far rise early to worship, praise and pray.

It is the unspoken heritage of believers which fathers of faith like Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua and others did. Believers of all age should embrace it to give their spiritual life a 'Push'.

What do we do in the Morning?

The early morning watch should primarily be a time to 'gather our Manna'.  It should be scheduled and followed strictly.  Spiritually, the word of God is the food for the spirit and our communion with the Lord is not complete without the Word.  

During the forty years of their journey in the wilderness, the children of Israel were required to gather Manna before the sunrise.  Praying early in the morning is a time to gather your daily 'Manna' from the Lord.  The nourishment for the day, which can greatly strengthen your relationship with God and improve the quality of your life. 

1. Praise and worship the Lord
2. Study the bible and meditate on the word.
3. Pray for your needs and family
4. Intercessory Prayers - Pray for the Church, members of the household of faith, your friends and relatives, and the government.

Every Believer in Christ needs to know how to seek the Lord early and receive spiritual food.  This is best done early in the morning while praising and worshipping the Lord.  Your needs are communicated to God and you can be sure of answers.  Many times when I am studying and meditating on the word, the Lord will speak to me, and give me instructions on what to do, even this morning it happened.

Many believers are suffering unanswered prayers because of their failure to rise early and pray.  Beloved, understand that as the Lord God dispensed His provisions of 'Manna' in the wilderness to His children, so He dispenses spiritual food and favour to His children who rise early to seek and communion with Him.

How to make THE 'Morning Watch' work

Rising early is a necessary habit or virtue for a child of God to form and continue with.  For many of those who are able to observe it continually will attest that it is a hard practice to develop.  As a spiritual habit, its effectiveness lies in the daily observance of the morning watch.

If you can be established in it daily, I can assure you that if for instance, you decide to start your communion and watch from 2.00AM and continue to wake up before 2.00am to keep the morning watch, before long, the angel of the Lord will be waiting to collect your prayer points every day by that appointed time.  This is why people who observe it have their prayers answered quickly.

In other to develop Morning Watch as a habit, the believer should:
1. Go to bed early and have at least 3 hours of rest before rising.

2. Use every spare time in the evening before going to bed to rest or sleep.

3. Set a time you can conveniently deal with.  If you work in the office and should resume by 800am, it will help to set a time that gives 2 or 3 hours before 6.00Am.  This means that immediately after your morning watch, you prepare for work.

4. If you do business and your shop opens by 7.00AM, you are to develop a plan and set a time you can handle every day.

5. Prepare your mind to wake early and pray, ask God to help you rise early according to the time you have set for yourself.  You should also ask the Holy Ghost to help you wake early every day.

6. Set your time or phone alarm to the set time every morning and be prepared to wake up immediately the phone alarm rings.

7. Allow three to five hours of sleep before you wake.


Every believer should develop the capacity to use the best part of his day with the Lord and obtain the grace to succeed in the day.  If you know how to praise, worship the Lord and pray before people rise, you will do well.

Start today and I pray that God will give you the grace to start and make it your way of life in Jesus Christ name.


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