MIRACLE WORKING JESUS.......Here with a miracle breakthrough Code!



Today we are looking at, Jesus the Miracle Worker.  

Many people need the miracle of healing, deliverance from addictions, secret sins, better job, contract as well as direct financial and material favour.  The Lord has everything you can ever need.  All you need to draw from the well of the Almighty is faith.

Many people have prayed before for miracles that did not happen, so they are afraid that miracle prayers takes time. Others have also prayed urgently for miracles that didn’t happen, and they are discouraged.  Some people are thinking that God is too far from them or maybe that it is difficult to please God.  

Many people sowed seed in the Church for a miracle in the health of a loved one who still died.  That does not mean that God no longer answers prayers.  We should accept the will of God in each case, whether we prayed for a change of situation or not.  

Some years back, I was told that a close relative of mine has passed, and it grieved me so much.  I got to the place and wanted to pray for her to return to life.  I asked the Lord whether I should pray for her or not.  Then suddenly, I heard the Lord asking me to take another look at the woman.  She is already very old, so what will her coming back to live  achieve?  In addition, she is living alone, as her children and grandchildren were all grown up.

God does not perform a miracle for the sake of it.  Recently, someone was asking for prayer for her old relative of about 94 years in hospital.  What kind of prayer do you need to say, Lord, let your will be done.  Miracles are real and the word of God cannot return to Him void.  The truth remains that God does miracles and there is no single day without miracles.  

Why is He called a Miracle Worker

The Lord is called a miracle worker because He actually did countless miracles, some of which no man has reproduced till date.  He has the power to bring the dead alive with a thanksgiving prayer to God, as He did in the case of Lazarus recorded in John 11:40-44.  

He did specific and general miracles like no other prophet before Him.  That explains why He rebuked the Pharisee and the Sadducees who did not discern His person and that He came from God, despite all His preaching for three and a half years.  People marvelled at the wisdom of King Solomon, yet the creator of Solomon was there and they did not know.  He declared in John 11:25-26 saying "I am the resurrection and the Life.

He had the power to heal all kinds of disease like He did in the case of a woman with severe bleeding, the daughter of Jairus in  Math 9.  He gave an order for fish to vomit cash.  He fed 5000 people with five loaves and two fishes.  He walked on the Sea, not just walking on water and when His disciples were afraid for the storm that came against them, He quietly calmed the storm.  There are so many others like the man born blind and the mad man of Gadara to mention a few.

Full of Compassion
A brief look at most of His miracles will reveal the Lord is full of mercy and compassion on the people.  When their wine finished at the wedding, He had compassion on the couple and given that the people value wine in their culture and wine makes people happy, He gave a command that turned water to wine.

When he fed the 5000 people, He also had compassion on the people who were with him for three days listening to the word of God.  He saw the widow going to bury her only son, and there was no husband to comfort her.  He saw many people following the widow and crying with her and had compassion on her and commanded the dead boy to wake up from sleep - Luke 7: 11-17.

When delivered the mad man of Gadara, it was compassion at work also.  Remember the man at the pool of Bethesda who had no relative to him, probably because he had been there for too long, 38 years in one place.  Staying in a place for such a long period of time means the man would have been begging to live.  But, when mercy located him, he was healed and begging had to stop.  The next place Jesus would see him was at their Synagogue on a Saturday. Mark 8: 22-26

It was mercy also that moved Him to heal the woman in the synagogue afflicted that she cannot stand upright for many years. The woman was described as bent-over due to affliction - Luke 13:10-17.  Remembers the two blind men in Mathew 9, and Blind Bartimaeus cried to Him and He answered.  His only question was "What do you want Me to do for you?; Do you believe I can do these, and they answered 'yes' and He healed them - Mathew 20:29-34.

How to receive Miracle in your Business

The Lord did not just come for our salvation only, but in addition, He came to set captives free, heal the sick and destroy every works of darkness fashioned against those that believe in Him.  The blind men cried to Him and He healed them, so everyone that will cry to the Lord for a miracle in any area of life will receive his or her miracle.


1. Repent and give your heart to Christ.  Make the following confession.  Heavenly Father, I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and I receive Him into my heart by faith, as my Lord and Saviour.  Give me the grace to serve in spirit and truth in Jesus name.

2. Partner with God: Except you are asking for money for a one-time venture, otherwise you should be prepared to partner with God in your business.  God want every Christian to succeed in business and life generally, the only condition is that you must do business with honour and integrity.  Honest business is what brings honour to His name, and it is money made honestly that pleases Him.

Please note that God have no interest in fools and lazy people, whether they are in business or at the workplace.  God partners with men and women of excellence, hard-working and wise people who will be diligent to do the needful at the time.  God love people will are ready to persevere in their area of specialization till they become the best in their field.  For God to partner with you in business you need to be a covenant child of God who understands business and have the right attitudes of diligence, honesty and fear of God.

The following business etiquettes should be your lifestyle in business, in addition to living holy and righteously.  Here are important biblical principles for success in Business to follow:

Diligence approach to work  -  Diligence is a painstaking approach to work, being meticulous to discover and learn how best to do something, render a service or maintain a set standards in product quality.  Nothing is taken for granted – all arguments are considered and studied.

You will have to approach your business  in that way, be ready to research products in the market, their quality, level of competition and conduct market testing and similar exercises.  There is no shortcut for doing your homework in a business and understanding the competitive landscape. Major mistakes can often be avoided and opportunities found by speaking to experts and analysts, tearing apart business plans, doing market studies regularly.  You must learn to do your homework diligently.

Treat your employees fairly:  Good employees are hard to find and the good ones are equally difficult to retain.  If you develop a fair standard for treating your employees remembering what the bible says about how to treat your workers.  Managing employees is one of the most difficult parts of running a business.  Be fair in dealing with them make sure their wages does not remain with you all night until the morning” (Lev 19:13). Do not take advantage of your employees: “You shall not abuse a needy and destitute labourer, whether a fellow countryman or a stranger” (Deut, 24:14). 

Have a written employment policy which should be well known by all of them and state how excellence, entrepreneurship and exceptional result shall be rewarded, to encourage hard work and entrepreneurship among them.

Excellence Customer Service:  Have a policy on this topic that your staff should know and adopt for all your customers. Honesty, fairness care and support are the highlights of excellent customer service.  Employed a very simple standard for customer care: “Love your neighbour like yourself” (Lev. 19:18) – put yourself in the shoes of the customer and treat them as you want to be treated.

Be honest with customers:  Do not cheat your customers, even if they will not find out.  Make it a policy and set the operational standards and make sure your staff at all level understand the policy on Honesty.  What to do when goods are returned, How to handle distributor's complains, What to charge customers for goods, services, discounts and rebates and how they are operated.  Let them be documented and known by all staff.  Follow the Bible’s guidance: “You shall have just balances and just weights” (Lev. 19:36).

Even if your customer won’t find out – don’t cheat them. “Do not… put a stumbling block before the blind” (Lev. 19:14) means do not take advantage when the other party doesn’t know or see what you are doing to their disadvantage. Sometimes, you are confronted with situations where you can increase profits by cutting corners or otherwise take advantage of the customer in a way that they won’t know about.  Some people use a cheaper material or a second-hand product, lower-cost components even though the customer believes you are using high-end components. Don't give in to temptation, follow the biblical principle of not putting a stumbling block before the blind. Don’t cheat your customers, even if they don’t know about it.

Build a reputation for integrity and honesty.  A reputation is a deliberate and determined course of action taken by a person to be known for who he is or what he or she believes.  The first question asked is: Were you honest in your business dealings? This is the first question because it’s the true measure of one’s success in life. 

There is always the temptation to cheat when prices fall of other cost items fall, so that you can earn more profits with your existing price. But, If you can overcome this great temptation, you will reach a high level of character that others esteem. Your customers, employees and those you do business with want to patronize your business. When you are honest, your business grows. You also have the right answer in the heavenly court.  Remember that  “If one is honest in his business dealings and people esteem him, it is accounted to him as faithfulness as a public steward".

3. Pray and Obey His instructions
What it takes to get a miracle from the Lord is for you to pray to Him with faith, not hoping for plan B, not trusting on your connections and your ability.  When you cry to Him like blind Bartimaeus, He will answer you.  When the Lord answers, He may give you instruction, which you should be ready to obey and happily too.  Get ready to:

Do what Jesus says to do.  -  Like His mother told the people at Cana wedding when their wine ran out, you should be ready to do whatever He tells you to do - John 2:3.  She knew He is the Word of God that created all thing, she knew He has the power to do anything and everything.  When you cry to Him, listen to hear what He will tell you to do, and then do it.

Focus on where God is taking you to:  This is very hard for many Christians, but it is the best way to take advantage of situations in life and come out better.  Anytime you are looking for a miracle from God, remember He is also trying to teach you something in their very bad condition you find yourself and learn the lesson.  It takes a long time for humans to adjust to God's standards and be highly fruitful in His service.  God wants us to be fruitful, so many times He will use situations to purge us.

Believe it is done:  If you believe God for a miracle, doubt not.  God love people who trust Him for big things, so trust God for big things… the unbelievable.  Trust God for Victory.  Believe for the miracles.  Don’t limit God to the size of your brain.  Realize that God does the impossible.  

Expect it NOW.  God has everything and nothing is hard for Him to do, so when you start praying , believe you have received it already and you will have what you believe.  When it comes to faith, speak what you expect and stand on His promises.

Give thanks
We need to trust the Lord for the best always.  We must also give Him thanks and praise His name of answered prayers, even before we receive the manifestation.


To be a covenant Believer is to serve God in your local assembly with your time and resources.  Be faithful in your kingdom commitments, take care of your family, your aged parents,  help needy people around you

Be humble, accept your mistakes and make necessary corrections.  The bible says “He who loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid” (Proverbs 12:1).  This is very important when you beginning to succeed in business.  Pride is one of the tools the devil use to pull successful people down. Never think you are always right. Accept and encourage criticism, especially from your employees that understand the business better than anyone. 


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