GOD'S WAYS ARE PATHS TO GLORY.....Worthy of Learning



Everything begins with God and if you know His ways, your faith in Him is well established and doing His Will becomes easy for you.  You need to know His ways and do His will to live the abundant life He has for you. But to know His ways and His will, you must know God Himself and the way He sees things and acts.

You will hardly know stability and victory in your life without knowing God the Father, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit intimately. To understand His ways and walk in His will for your life, you will have to ask yourself, “Do I know Him, who is the sources of all things?.  For it is impossible to live holy and operate in the spiritual without knowing the Lord. 

There are the works of God which we see every day, His mercies and blessings, but there are the ways of God.  The miracles represent His works, buy His ways is knowing how to work-the-miracles, like a true son of his father.

I love miracles, but it is more rewarding to know how to work them out.  You cannot do any miracles, but if you are privileged to know how to bring Jesus into a situation, healing and deliverance will take place...that's the working I am talking about.

The Moses Example
Some of us only know God’s works. We don’t know His ways. The Israelites were like that. As they came out of Egypt, they’d witnessed His miracles, signs and wonders every day, from the daily Manna that is brought by the whirlwind in the morning and dries up in the afternoon to the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. They were infatuated with this miracle-working God, but they didn’t know Him intimately.

But, there was a man, Moses who was desperate to know God's ways.  He had seen his miracles but was not content with seeing miracles, he wanted to know how to work-it-out with God.  Moses wasn’t willing to settle for anything less. He understood the challenges of leading God's people in the wilderness, which itself was a huge undertaking, with many unforeseen, and unknown challenges.

Moses then made a plea to the Lord, saying, “Lord, if I have found grace in thy sight, show me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight... I must know Your ways.” Moses cried unto the Lord. (Emphasis mine)’  and the Lord responded and said:

"My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest" Exodus 33:13-14.  The bible says in Psalms 103:7 that God made known His ways unto Moses, and His acts unto the children of Israel.

This should be the prayer of every believer to God, because as Moses faced challenges in the wilderness, so we face a different kind of challenges today.  Whether we are leaders or followers, we all live in this imperfect world, full of wickedness and many are aggressively struggling to prove a point without God.  Meanwhile, the difference between knowing God's ways and not knowing is as wide as life and death.

The Ways of the Lord
If you don't know the ways of God, you will be fearful and anxious at every bad news.  You cannot fulfil your purpose in Christ without knowing the ways of God.

But, knowing His ways changes all that.  The ways of the Lord is truth, light, holiness, love spiritual.  God is Spirit and none of His ways is carnal.

I will look at some of His ways.  God is Spirit and Light and there is no darkness around Him.  Whoever knows the Lord walks in light and the bible says that the Light of God shineth in darkness and darkness comprehended it not John 1:5.  

Other ways of God are:
Holiness: One of the ways of the Lord is a life of holiness.  In Genesis 17:1, the Lord appeared to Abram when he was 99 years old and say to him: I am the Almighty God, walk before Me, and be thou perfect.  Holiness is not negotiable.  Serving the Lord and doing His will begins in your heart as you decide to go all the way with the Lord, you must serve Him according to His will and standards.  Lev 19:2, Isa 6:3, 1 Peter 1:16, John 17:11 

God rewards diligence and all that serve Him should do so according to His terms and not as we like.  Holiness presupposes that we are set apart for His glory in the way we serve and worship Him, in the way we love Him and our neighbours and in the way we lead others to Him - In salvation.

God is love:  His love for us is forever.  He has good plans for everyone that returns to Him in repentance, and who live in obedience to His word, such a person will see the blessings of God and peace. 1 John 4:8, John 3:16

God is truth:  God is truth and He is a righteous judge of all the earth.  He says even though hand join with hand, no evil will go unpunished.  

1. God hates oppression: All the oppressed that cry to Him will receive help.  He is the avenger of the righteous.  He says "Vengeance is mine".  

2. God hates oppression and nowhere in the bible was the man given dominion over man NO!  The man was given dominion over animals and all creeping things.  So, dominion and oppression of man against another man will always receive recompense from the Almighty God.  

3. God hates injustice and every act of oppression against the vulnerable like the Poor, the Needy, Orphans, Widows and the aged will be punished by there Almighty God.  John 14:6, Romans 3:4

God is Just: God is blameless, holy and just and no iniquity is found around. A just God is also considerate with us, who are flesh.  He looks at the motive for our actions and continues to search the heart of man to see those who trust in Him.  
A just God has long-suffering toward our weak and foolish behaviours and He is willing to give us a second chance if we repent of our sins.  A just God makes sure He is fair to everyone, gives us opportunities and bless those that obey Him.  He does not discriminate but rewards people according to their deeds.

Why we should seek God's Opinion

A Christian should always ask for God's opinion on every matter and also get clarification on the time and method of doing what God asks you to do.  Faith in God does not mean we can do things the way we want.  Instead, you should look up to God and obey His word.

The reason why it does not start from us is that in Isaiah 55:8-9, the Lord says 

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,"  declares the Lord.   "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. 

We should seek to know His ways because they are different from the ways of man.  The thoughts of God and how He looks at things and events are all different from men.  Because we are not at the same level with the Almighty God, it is I'm[possible to serve Him well or do anything in the house of God without knowing His opinion on the matter and how He wants you to execute the assignment.

This is a very hard thing for many people to do.  Many Christians push forward their plans without presenting it to God or asking for the right time and ways of executing the work.  The whole plan is then based on your own ambitions and conclusions.  This is a major reason for failure.  

Whether its in the house of God or outside, believers should cultivate the attitude of allowing the Spirit of God to lead them.  If you are born again, and you want to succeed in whatever you believe you are called to do, you must be led by the Spirit for your desired result to manifest.

Benefits of Knowing His ways

When you understand the ways of God, your faith in God is established and you are naturally motivated to rest your hope in Him. You will be fully persuaded that God can do all things. This conviction is necessary for everyone who desires to walk with God.  

But, if all you see are the works of God, then its time for you to desire to know His ways, obey His words and follow the lifestyle of Jesus so that you develop an intimacy that is not ordinary with the Saviour and He will come to dwell inside of you by the Spirit.

Those of us who know God’s ways are going to live in rest. Knowing His ways and observing and doing it will bring peace to your troubled world.  If you don’t have the blessing of peace and rest, if the blessing is eluding you, look inwards to your knowledge of the Word of God and obedience.  Check your prayer life and how you exercise your believer's authority.

Working for God
For people working for God, it is important that our work must be according to His commands.  Working for God means following God's will, listening to His instructions and obeying to do His will.  This is a noble service that is pleasing to God.  Every child of God should be familiar with knowing the mind of God concerning whatever you set out to do that it becomes a way of life, after all, you are not alone, His Spirit is in you.

When we do so, blessing and success is ahead of us.  Many times, believers think they are behind in doing a particular thing without knowing there is the divine touch in everything that concerns us.  Some believers hear the voice of the Lord telling them to do something, but they fail to do the assignment because of the strong faith of they just imagine the voice is not from God.  

Only a few people will go back to God to confirm He is the one speaking to them.  Here's the danger.  If a person does not know how to confirm it is the Lord speaking to him and then obey, such a Christian is living below his expected level, and may not be able to enjoy His blessing.

You should present all matters to God and ask for His opinion, timing and how best to execute the assignment.  For people who met the Lord before entering the University, these are the issues you settle with God long before you graduate.  Anything done in the house of God, or done for God without being led by the Spirit of God is a waste of time. 

Put your faith to work
Several years ago, we recruited young graduates and in the midst of many candidates, one of the ladies was chosen, to join a team of highly qualified personnel in the finance unit.  After her employment, I asked her why she thought she was taken and her answer was revealing.  She told me that from her first year in the school, she had told the Lord, she needs a good job immediately after her graduation, and to that end, she will always take out the 10% of her feeding allowance and pay it as tithe towards her blessing - That's faith in action, it works.

Even when you want to do good for people, you should ask for the Lord's opinion.  No matter how good a work of kindness we may desire to do, let the Spirit of God lead you.  Gone where the days I just give beggers money anyhow.  I stopped several years when the Lord had to speak to me with an audible voice once in Lagos when I was visiting the city and saw a beggar asking alms along the route I walk through every day. I decided one day to give that beggar money, but as I tried to bring out money, the Lord said NO, NO, don't give this beggar your money.  I was shocked to discover there are evil beggars on the street.

Be led by the Spirit Always
Believers and servants of God are people who have understood the importance of being led by the Spirit of God in all things.  This is a necessary path to spiritual growth and advancement. It is not difficult to achieve if you determine to be one of the beloved of the Lord.

Believers must understand that whatever we do, that is not from the leading of the Spirit of God will profit us.  Anything done without the leading of the Spirit is meaningless in the eyes of God.

Life in the spirit is a serious business and one that separates two Christians.  Even when you are doing God's will, it must be done prayerfully according to His instruction.  We should learn how to ask the Lord to show us His ways.  We should also learn how to ask for His will in anything we plan to do.  When His will is known, we should have the grace to do His will to his pleasing.

If we are not in the spirit, it's hard to hear the voice of the Lord and do His will, this is why believers fast often and pray always.  Life in the Spirit starts with hearing the voice of God and obeying it.  Believers need to be spiritually sensitive to the Holy Spirit and without fail, obey the instructions of the Lord.

What to do
1. Give your heart to Jesus and receive Him as your Lord and Saviour.
2. Study the Word of God and live by it
3. Seek God's opinion on all matter and patiently wait for answers.
4. Be determined to live a holy lifestyle.


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