How Anointing make children of God..........Wealthy!



God is the giver of good things, and our God can create something from nothing.  He can call forth a big river to issue in the desert.  So, His sons and daughter have no need to be depressed...NO!. We only need to believe in His promises and use our faith to take delivery of what belongs to us in Christ.

A Christian should seek divine direction from God before starting a business and while the business continues. When you want to prosper in business, God must be involved in the business in one way or another.  Your purpose must be good - to serve the people and add value to life.

Even when you are already doing the business, continue to seek His direction on how to improve your product or service. When the ideas come, proceed cautiously, and take them step-by-step because God does not give you the total picture in the first instance. As you start implementing the idea, continue to go back to God with thanksgiving, and He would open the doors wider, sending people to help you improve and sell, as well as people to delight in the product and seek to distribute it.

God chooses who to Bless
God is the owner of all resources on earth and He chooses who to bless and who not to bless.  There are people that give direction and business ideas, without asking, because He has seen their hearts and knows what they will use the financial resources in their hands to do.  There are other people that go to God in prayer, crying and pleading to the Lord to bless them.  The second category tells the Lord they hate poverty, and that Poverty can be dehumanizing and tough.

We are free to ask for what we want from the Lord.  Though we pray for ideas and inspiration, It is the Lord, that chooses who to bless.   He knows the heart of men and who will multiply the Talents given to him, as well as those that will use the prosperity to serve the Lord.  If the ways of a man please the Lord, He can do anything for such a person.  But if the heart of a person is not pure, or he will not use the money for good purposes, God will not release the idea to him.  He may, however, allow time to elapse so that such a man will grow in the spirit and mature in Him.

For those whom the Lord chooses to bless, they must be born again, sons and daughters of God, they are lovers of God.  Receiving Christ is the first and primary first step to relating to God.  The other steps include:

The steps can be summarized as follows:
1. Receive the Lord Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour
2. Know the person of the Holy Ghost, and love Him
3. Ask for ideas and inspirations to get wealth, keep asking for it.
4. Make sure you are doing something.  Continue in what you are doing, but be sensitive to hear from the Lord.
5. When He drops the idea in your ear directly or through other means, people, process it and confirm it is from the Lord.
6. Pray to God for divine direction - what to do and how to start and what to do.
7. Organize the idea into a business service or product and execute it.

Success will always require diligent effort with patience.  Success will not meet you at home.  You will have to go out there in search of success.  You are asked to ask, seek and knock to find.  You must do all you can to be engaged in something, no matter how profitable or convenient it may be.  Even if you have to sell Pure Water, let it be.  Recently a football Club hired a Nigerian player for a ridiculous amount, as his monthly salary.  The guy accepted it, but in his heart, he knows he is there to learn and obtain skills to get a better offer in the future.  There must be a point of contact through which God can bless you.

So, take the first step at the venture, whatever He has told you to do, wait on Him to direct you further.  If you did not hear anything from Him, look around you for opportunities, and if there is none, then He will soon speak to you again.  God is never in a hurry, so let us learn how to walk with God and be directed by His Spirit.

Anointing comes from God  Deut 8:18

The anointing to prosper and obtain wealth comes from God and the presence of His Spirit bring  turn-around for Believers in life and business.  According to Acts 1:8, the presence of the Holy Ghost and His power turn the tide for you.  You need the presence of the Holy Ghost in your life to succeed.  You need Him to excel in business, career, and marriage.

Depend on His grace, and Work hard at targets
The grace of God is important to the success of a believer.  The Bible made it clear that it is not in him that willeth or in him that runneth, but in God that showeth mercy.  You may be diligent, but if the opportunity does not come your way, your diligence, and skill may never be known.  No matter how talented you are, without opportunity, your talent will waste away.

His grace is a supernatural enablement, favour from people you do not know, and public acceptance of your product, goods and services with a little advert. The supernatural empowerment I am talking about brings destiny helpers your way, people who would be committed to assisting you until you become successful.

So, we must always ask for His grace and mercy to go with us. The grace of God makes things happen for people, and His grace goes with His presence. Then work out your prosperity.


You are in Charge
You are ultimately responsible for working out your finances, but if you believe in the Lord and walk in obedience, you will receive the wisdom to get wealth.  The Bible did not say God will give you wealth but He said He will give you "the ability" to make wealth. Don't be deceived or misled that the Lord gives wealth because if you still have that mindset you might end up being impoverished.  

The Lord gives us the ability or power to make wealth and not wealth itself. So this is the secret of the power to make wealth ..."remember your GOD..." in all that you do and commit your ways into His hands.  There are two powers that God give His children in order to prosper them.  The first power is given to you when you receive Christ as Lord and Saviour.  For the bible says to them that believing in His name, to them, gave He the power to become sons of God.

Ask for Power
It is your duty to pray and ask for wealth after receiving Christ.  You will do better asking for wisdom to get wealth, than asking for wealth. Remember that everything you need from God will require that you receive the power of grace to obtain it.  If you are sick, you need the power to get well - Healing.  If you are jobless, you need the power to get a job, a good job.  You also need the power to get favour from people far and near.  

Wait for this...You also need the power to connect to destiny helpers that will help you achieve your dreams.  You cannot achieve much alone, especially if you have a big dream or big assignment that the Lord has asked you to do, you need destiny helpers that will stick to you until you get to your destination and remain committed and loyal.

Brethren, you also need the power to manage people well.  If you can manage money and cannot manage people, your money will soon finish and you are back to square one.  I am going this far because I am looking at how to acquire divine wealth and how God releases the grace for wealth to people.  Ask for the power to manage your finances, different from the power to manage people, because you will need to know how to plan, budget and prioritize your expenses from day to day. When you have made these requests, I want to assure you that God is ready to bless you, even more than you can even imagine, but you must have His Holy Spirit working in you.

Know the Holy Ghost
The gift of the Holy Spirit is indispensable in the life of a child of God because He is the power of God to do all things here on earth.  When you are born again, you receive a new Spirit inside you.  But for the Holy Spirit to work maximally in your life, you will have to yield your life to Him, and He will start the work of cleansing and purifying you.  

This is done through the way He will expose your sins to you for you to repent and desist from evil ways.  The Holy Ghost will also rebuke you when you do or say wrong things so that you can correct your mistakes and avoid the same error in the future.  The Holy Spirit will warn you of things you should not do and say, and if you will accept his rebuke, warning and prompting and change your way, your life will be transformed and when you ask for wealth, it will be easy for the Spirit to also guide you into wealth.

You must receive the power to be called the son of God before you seek power to get wealth.  God is good and kind, so not only will he give you power if you request, He will, in addition, give you the Holy Ghost.  To prosper under Christ or from Christ, you need the power to get wealth, and that power is released to you through the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost is the power of God working in you, that is able to make you do all things and achieve all things.  Without the Holy Ghost guiding, advising and directing you, you are far from achieving success, whether big or small.

Establish a Business or Trade, Service etc
God will bless you, through the power that is at work in you, but you must discover where your talent lies, and what business or service, you can do better than others and establish.  You should never be discouraged by the initial failure or suffering involved. Establish a service or business after hearing from God and follow through have it started. 

Then you need the Holy Ghost to guide your way, from what to do, how to do it etc. if you don't have the Holy Ghost, you have limited your Christian life as well as the kind and level of success you can achieve here on earth.  Any Christian who is waiting for God to rain manna from heaven for them will end up disappointed.  We are expected to use the wisdom,  God gave us to create solutions that will bring the reward called wealth.  Riches and wealth are the direct results of the solution we provide to the needs of people around us.

Wealth comes from a well-defined work path, it is not a transfer.  A transfer cannot be sustained, but a well-defined process, business or trade will continue to bring financial inflow as long as you are doing the business.  That is sustainable.


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