Image result for obese women

Obesity is an eating disorder that leave the body with excessive fat. 

This disorder can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It can also limit your mobility and lead to overall poor health. While there is no easy cure for obesity, reducing your body fat through adjustments to your diet and to your lifestyle can allow you to shed your excess body weight. 

You can also treat obesity by taking weight loss medication and exercises. To break free from obesity, you may want to try these recommendations and do them consistently.

Adjusting Your Diet
Set realistic diet goals. Before you can embark on changes to your diet, you should set diet goals that are realistic and possible to attain. Creating realistic goals will allow you to sustain your healthy eating plan and stick to healthy eating in the long term.  

Adults who are obese should try to lose five to ten percent of their current weight over a period of two months. Lose weight slowly at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds a week so your weight loss is safe and sustainable. If you lose 10 percent of your body weight and keep it off for six months, but are still overweight, you may need to try further weight loss plans.

Children and teens who are overweight should try to maintain their current weight and focus on healthy eating and maintaining a physical lifestyle. You should also talk to your doctor about ways to lose weight in a healthy weight as you grow into adulthood.

Create a healthy eating plan
One of the major ways to reduce your body fat is to focus on healthy eating. Creating a healthy eating plan will help to lower your body weight and treat your obesity. You can make a healthy eating plan on your own or with the help of a nutritionist. Try to write out your healthy eating plan, with meal plans for three meals a day for several months to a year. 

Your healthy eating plan should include a good balance of:
1. Foods high in protein, such as lean meat, fish, chicken, beans, and peas.
2. Whole-grain foods like whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, cereals etc.
3. Fresh fruit and frozen fruit.
4. Fresh vegetables and frozen vegetables.
5. Olive oil, walnuts, and almonds, which give you healthy fats in your diet and keep you feeling satisfied and full for long periods of time.

Start slow and make short term healthy eating goals, such as eating healthy for one month or having two healthy meals a day. Making short term goals will help to build up your confidence and lost weight in a healthy and sustainable way.

Reduce your daily calorie intake. 
Cutting back on your daily calorie intake can help you to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet. You should first calculate your daily calorie intake and then determine how many calories you will need to cut every day to lose weight. On average, women should consume between 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day and men should consume between 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day.

Your daily required calorie intake will depend on your age, body weight, and the level of physical activity you do every day. People who are obese should start slow and only cut 500 calories a week. The amount of calories you cut will depend on your fitness goals. To be successful, the reduction of your calorie intake should be done along with healthy eating and exercise.
Commit to making your own meals. 
Eating out can be expensive and add more pounds to your waistline. When you eat out, you have little control over what is being put into the food you are eating and it can be difficult to make healthy eating choices. Try to commit to making at least one to two meals a day at home, following your healthy eating plan.

When preparing food at home, cook with healthy oils like canola oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. Look up healthy recipes to incorporate into your healthy eating plan.

If you bring your lunch to work every day, prepare your lunch the night before with healthy ingredients. Try to avoid eating out every day for lunch or dinner.  If you end up eating out, choose healthy options, such as a leafy green salad with broiled fish or chicken. 

Limit foods high in saturated fats. 
These foods raise your blood cholesterol and are high in calories, thereby raising your risk of heart disease. Try to limit or eliminate these fat and saturated fat foods from your diet:
Dairy products high in fat like whole-milk cheeses, whole milk, cream, butter, and ice cream. Processed foods, particularly foods that contain lard and palm oil. 

You should also avoid pre-packed products and baked products like cookies, doughnuts, and breads.  You can enjoy these foods occasionally to avoid feeling deprived, but know that moderation is key to losing weight and staying healthy.  
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Control your portion sizes. 
A portion is a certain amount of food that you consume for a meal or a snack. This is different than a serving, which is a measured amount of food and is required to be noted on all nutritional labels on food. Reducing your portion sizes every time you eat can help you to consume fewer calories and have control over how much food you consume.

Cut down on your alcohol intake. 
If you still drink alcohol, remember that it contain a high amount of calories and sugar. If possible, reduce the amount of alcohol you drink every week and increase the amount of water you drink. Drinking water will help your body stay hydrated and healthy.

Treatments for obesity 
To maintain a healthy weight, it is important to create a balance between the calories eaten and the calories burned through physical activity and bodily functions. To lose weight, a person usually needs to reduce calories and increase physical activity.

If lifestyle changes are not enough, medicines and weight-loss surgery also are options for some people who need to lose weight fast.  Eat healthy and emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy products.  Include lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.  Drink more water instead of sugary drinks.  Getting enough physical activity is an important way to help prevent or reduce overweight and obesity and related health problems.

Your doctor may have told you that you are obese and that you need to work on yourself to reduce the fat and stop further accumulation of weights. Whether it's to live longer, to change your appearance, or to move around easier, you're ready to make those changes but might not be sure how to go about them. 

Before any treatment is administered, you need to know that the programme that will work is the programme that you can sustain over a period of time.  So, whatever arrangement, it might be, make sure its a programme you can sustain and run with.

The second thing you should know, is that obesity is not a death sentence, It is a disease that can be treated and destroyed with concerted efforts, so, Love yourself as you are, while hoping to get the body size you desire.  You should be happy with yourself, no matter what your size or what number you see on the scale. You are worthwhile, and there is no doubt, with positive feelings about yourself, positive results will come earlier than you think.

Ask yourself some questions, such as: Do I want to lose weight? Why? Does being obese serve me in some way? Be sure your spirit, soul and body want to run the programme.  You may also discover somewhere in your heart, an obstacle that may hinder or frustrate the programme.  If you are physically and emotionally ready, 

Schedule your day and keep to your schedules

Reduce your stress levels by working , playing and sleeping on schedule.  If you body has tendency for obesity or you are already handling symbols of Obesity, you will need to schedule your your work, play and sleep activities to enable you reduce you stress. The body responds to stress by storing fat and lowering muscle mass, and that stored fat can lead to a variety of other health complications.

Some people also react to stress by stress eating, which is consuming foods to soothe emotions and alleviate stress. Unfortunately, any relief gained by stress eating is temporary, meaning you may continue to stress eat. In addition, the long-term health effects of coping with stress with food far outweigh the momentary comfort it may provide. Lowering stress will have immediate mental and metabolic effects on your weight.  I have personally experience with stress eating.  I am used to working long hours daily, sometimes, deep into the next morning.  When you continue to work late into the night without sleep, your body will remand food to cushion the stress.  The food can hardly be burnt-off.  So your body stores it and over days and weeks, if you check your weight, you will hardly believe the weight gain.

Get Busy
The idea here is get engaged in some kind of work, vocation or voluntary service, that will commit you to new work rigours and hard work over a period of time to enable you burn out more calories. Think of something you like doing and seek a voluntary service on it.  Any vocation that involves working for long hours will help reduce your weight through rigour.  You may choose gardening.  Volunteering is a great stress reducer that has wonderful physical and emotional effects.  I voluntary work without pay is not popular due to our level of development and the fact that we don't have any social net.  There is no Social Security benefits for the unemployed etc.

In Nigeria, you will have to turn to your family and friends for support, about where you can volunteer your services in family business or shops.  The idea is to get you doing more physical work.  The truth is that with the stress of living in Nigeria, no one can be so idle and living in Nigeria.  Those who fat or obese are usually working women and men in  their businesses and shops.  They have boys and girls assisting them, and so they are not doing much of the daily rigour.  The problem being that they have not reduced the portion of food they are used to eating in the morning, afternoon and night.  Many of them are doing less, but eating heavy carbohydrate food.

Establish realistic goals. If plans and diets seem a bit overwhelming, start with setting small, specific, achievable goals. When we set smaller goals, we tend to be more motivated to meet them, and that the success we feel spurs us on to set and achieve even more goals. Your goals should be forgiving, and don't forget to reward yourself.

1. Exercise and walk for 30 minutes four times per week
2. Drink eight glasses of water per day 
3. Acquire local Gym equipment for light exercises daily
4. Observe a one hour of Gym Exercises daily

Exercise. In addition to supporting any weight loss efforts, exercise can be extremely beneficial for your mental health. Exercise can be an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and more. It helps reduce stress, improves memory, and can improve your mood.  If you can't seem to fit it in, try breaking up your exercise into smaller chunks of time. Go for a 10 to 15 minute walk in the morning and then again in the evening.

A little bit of exercise is better than nothing. Commit to doing a little activity each day and slowly start working your way up to longer sessions of exercise.  You don't need to work out vigorously to receive the benefits. Moderate-intensity exercise is just as effective. Moderate exercise means you are warm but not overheated or sweating profusely and that you can still carry on a conversation with someone (though you should be breathing a little heavier than normal).

Once your body gets used to regular exercise, add in light weight-lifting workouts. Lifting weights helps to build your muscles, which burns more calories and can even help you control your appetite.

Accept Temporal failures. You’re a human being living a complicated life, and sometimes things don’t always go according to plan, and dealing with obesity is no exception. No matter what setback you face, accept that it happened, consider reasons why it may have happened, how you might handle the situation next time, and let go. Tomorrow is a new day.

If you make a plan to lose weight, for example, and you have a day of less-healthy food choices, cut yourself some slack. Look at the situation as objectively as possible, don’t be derailed, and get back on track right away.

You might decide that you will love yourself no matter what your size, but you have a day that you just feel unattractive and crummy. Think about what has happened to get you thinking that way, reflect on your list of positives, and rely on your support network.


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