I love You Lord Jesus ...........Marry me

            .... I will, Take my Spirit and nature!



There are two instances when Jesus invited the people following Him to join His disciples in the good work.  One of such instances was recorded in Mathew 11:28-30.  
There,  Christ said to His followers  “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden”  “And I will give you rest”. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me”.  “For I am gentle … you shall find rest … and My load is light” 

The second place was in Mathew 19:21 - Jesus said to the young man, "if you will be perfect, then go, sell all you have and five to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then carry your cross and follow me".

Lord Jesus, I love You, marry me is a conversation between Jesus and one of his daughters. I have heard many of God's daughters express so much love for Him Jesus Christ and some even claim they are married to Jesus Christ........Really, where did you see JESUS CHRIST and where did the wedding take place.

We know that Jesus is the best of any man worthy of marriage, but the question is where will you meet the Master to physically marry Him?, but you can marry Him in the Spirit by receiving His Spirit and nature.  When you receive the Spirit and nature of the Lord, it will surely manifest in what you do.  You will love righteousness and holy living and have a perfect hatred for sin and every evil work.

Who wants to marry Jesus Christ

When you love Jesus and His Spirit is in your life, you will love what Jesus loves and died for - Souls.  You will be a soul winner, an evangelist, and a vessel through whom the power of Jesus will pass to reach other people. You will be a teacher of the word of God and preacher of righteousness.  

It is not only women that are married to Jesus Christ, but the men also and all the oppressed people, orphans and vulnerable people the world over have Jesus as their Father, husband, deliverer, helper, etc.  This is because Jesus and our God are the Father of the Fatherless, the helper of all who is oppressed and poor. He is also our helper of destiny.

Jesus loved us before we love Him and He died for our reconciliation back to God and so, the Lord is ever willing to be the Father and husband of all that believe in His name and all that trust in Him. "He says to all who are hungry and thirsty for a righteous and holy living.....You are welcome"!.  
He continues to share some of the efforts He made to bring us out of the kingdom of darkness, which we did not know.  He says "I have been calling on you, whispering to you and telling you things that are beneficial since you were born, but you did not recognize my callings. So, I have been waiting for you to hear my 'knock at the door of your heart' for years. 

Many times I sent preachers to you, at other times, I send messages of love and hope to you, but you did not understand.  I have also sent some people to you, whom you rejected and frustrated their teachings.  Many times when I knocked at the door of your heart, you did not open the door. Several times, I have also called you to come and receive the healing, job, and deliverance you needed urgently, but you did not hear my voice".

The Lord explains Himself 
Let me remind you of what you know in My Word.  I am the good shepherd, I died for the sheep when they were not even born. I am your healer and I heal every disease. I am the great provider and I remain the great provider forever, I fed the multitude with few loaves of bread and fished and plenty basket fulls were taken up after their feeding
I am the Word and also the bread of life, whosoever eats my body, the Word of God shall never hunger and thirst again, for my body, the Word is Spirit and life. As many as declaring they are born again, are born again by the Word they ate after their repentance and without my Word inside of you, your profiting in Christ cannot manifest.  

I am the shield, protection, and strength of all my sheep, disciples and prophets and I have many of them on the earth. Because of me, they are fearless.  The walk in the midst of troubles, fire and they are not burned or consumed. I am the fourth man in the furnace of fire, I closed the mouth of the lions in the den when they threw Daniel there - for it is written that when you walk through the valley of death, through the fire, I will be with you and I used those Hebrew children to demonstrate My word that cannot fall to the ground, for all to see and believe.
I am the rewarder of all that diligently serve Me and My Father in heaven. When any of my sheep decide to seek me and all my righteousness above all things, they will surely come back with an abundance of goodness - for when they have suffered a little when they have persevered a little, when they have been denied many good things when they have been abandoned by family and friends as nobody on earth, I will pick them up and release the Spirit of faith and grace unto them to go and begin to do exploits. 
I will also release the Spirit of Wisdom and abundance unto them and those things that people are dying for will begin to answer to them and pursue them until they have an abundance. I am the Lord.

Daughter, Son - I welcome you!
To marry me, you must know that I am lowly in nature, there is no pride in me...and this is why you did not hear Me telling the people "Hey, listen to me, I am the one going to save you, but I pointed them to the God that sent me". I was tempted severally, persecuted and rejected, but I said nothing.  I endured all the troubles from the people, looking straight in the future and the purpose of my coming to earth until I made that declaration "IT IS FINISHED" 

Then, what followed if you can still remember is that the glory of My Father and all the power in heaven and earth was vested on Me.
You should know that having my Spirit and nature is a blessing that fulfils the scripture that says, Jesus in you, the hope of glory!  I am offering you My Spirit and nature which is written in Galatians 5:14-26 for your transformation and blessing.  I know that as you work-it-out, My Spirit and nature will enter you.  when I come into you, you will have no reason to backslide, because:
1. You will be standing on the Rock and not on quicksand.
2. You will become a friend of sinners and not to condemn them because I was a friend to the poor and needy, the oppressed and I eat with them and healed them.
3. There will be no need for all the cry for power as the power to bring me into the scene is already in you and activated.  The power is not you and cannot be claimed, but commanded and spoken as led by My Spirit and the miracles will be established.
4. You will no longer struggle to have faith and be holy, for my nature is inside of you as discussed in Galatians 5:14-26. This passage of the bible will be our honeymoon dessert, we will eat it until it becomes part of us.  We will pray it until we begin to manifest it to this dying world.
5. After our honeymoon full of Galatians 5:14-26, you find to find it easy to walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh.  You will also be able to order your communications right with men.  You will be able to love your neighbour and hold no grudges against anyone, hoping and trusting on me, for vengeance is mine.  For the women, you will have a personal witness on how to carry your body in honour and chastity.
6. After our honeymoon, you will be able to separate yourself from the world as you as not part of them.  You will discretely keep off their fashions, language, attitude, and lust. The motions of sin and disobedience that worketh in the people of this world will lose its grip on you. and you will shine as a Star everywhere you go.
The Lord warns
Dear Sons and Daughter, I have yoke which may not be palatable to the carnal mind.  Many of My commands may look foolish, but they will save and deliver you from your challenges. Remember that I told the young rich man to sell all he had, carry the cross and follow me.
There is a cross to be carried, all who served me in the past, served me carrying their cross of sickness, persecution, abuse, loss of friends and relatives, troubles from your father's house, a conspiracy from friends and relatives to bring them down, what about discouragement and slanderous word, they carried all that and followed Me till the end, and today. they are blessed in all the earth.
There is the cross you will surely carry - The devil will keep tempting you spiritually and physically, sending his agents of the opposite sex to seduce you to kill your vision. The devil will give you different ideas of how to make money in the ministry, not minding whether I approve and endorse such plans.  The devil will give you deceitful ideas that seem good in the eyes but will lead your heart away from me. BE WARNED!
The moment you declare for Me and the kingdom of heaven, the enemy who has known you when your star appeared will devise and implement different schemes against you to bring you down...But in all these, you are more than conquerors in Me.
Remember, that I am not a respecter of persons and in every nation, he that fears me and works righteousness is accepted by Me Acts 10:35.  Also, in the midst of troubles and temptations, whosoever shall endure, and continues in me to the end shall be saved. After all, what shall separate me from you, Is it sickness, temptation, troubles, rejection, and persecution...NONE - For I am able to put your enemies to flight, no matter who they are...REJOICE!

How do we know if we really love Jesus? 

We know if we love Jesus by those things we do consistently.  This is so because Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). And apostle John echoed the mind of God when he wrote, “This is the love of God, that we keep his commandments” (1 John 5:3).

Love for Christ will always influence holy and righteous actions that is according to the will of God. Loving the Lord, who is a Spirit being will require a continual walk in the spirit in order to hear Him and be guided by Him.  It will require seeing things the way the Lord sees them and doing things strictly as the Lord would be happy you did them.

I am talking about a man or woman of faith here, Who walks in obedience to the scriptures and represents Christ here on earth. This man or woman Loves and treasures the Lord.  He knows there is no one else like Jesus and none can ever be.  The Lord is his treasure and much more.  With Christ, he has all things and can do all things, but without Him, he is finished.

A man or woman of faith that trusts in Christ, not in a person or thing. He knows that Jesus Christ is his connection, his provider and the source of all good things.  If you trust the Lord, one of the works of faith is that when you have prayed to Him, you know He heard you and that answer will follow, so you have peace in every situation.  When men are crying and falling down, you can boldly declare there is a lifting up for you, because you are trusting the Lord.

Then obedience is doing what Christ says. We cannot love Him and continuously disobey Him. The moment we believe and trust in Him, obedience is sweet and natural.  Obedience the Lord requires is the obedience without conditions, for no man can give God conditions.  You obey His word whether it is convenient or not, whether it is profitable to you or not.

Love cannot be hidden or covered.  We know what love is by what love does. Love is commanded by all, but only a few are able to love the Lord and their neighbors.  The truth is that no one can love the people, his fellow brother until the love of God is in his heart.  No woman can submit to her husband in love, who have not submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

To love the Lord, you must cherish and trust Him more than anything else. This kind of love flows from a deep knowledge of the Lord given to you by the Holy Ghost and from your various experiences in life.  You can say like Peter, You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. And Jesus Himself answered that flesh and blood did not give Peter that answer, but the Almighty God.  If you have not encountered His mercy and power to deliver and the Father in heaven has not downloaded the divine revelation of His Son into your heart, you cannot love Him.

Your Assignment after the Marriage

Lovers of Jesus would normally show it by their words and actions. Loving the Lord comes with the responsibility to live right and obey His word and instructions without fail.  He says you do not need to do so by your own power, but trusting and relying on Him, all things are possible for you.

Friends, every lover of Jesus Christ has the following lifestyle of faith to live and yours will not be an exception.  They (The Disciples) all followed Him and did what he did.  The way of the disciples, when He was in the world, they followed Him.  
They followed Jesus - See Mark 1:17 (“follow me and I will make you”).In practical sense:

Following Jesus is:
1. To join the group of people who were with Jesus
2. Actually following him and doing what the Lord was doing.
3. Be where he was
4. Abandoned their own business and made the business of Christ, their own business. They make him, and his activities, the center of their focus
5. They were with Him, to listen to him teach and watch him do things and learn everything they could from Him directly.
6. The initial disciples became His apprentices, for the sake of carrying on his work (For He said to them - Follow me and I will make you fishers of men).
2. Since we can’t follow Jesus this way, what does it mean for us?

For us today, to follow Christ will mean to:
1. Abide in His Word and teachings
2. Join a bible believing Church—Get together with other Christians to learn about God and His ways
3. Tell people about God's Word.
4. Attend Church regularly.
5. Read His word daily and maintain an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus.
6. Pray regularly.
7. Love people as you would want them to love you.
8. Be an example to people around you, of a Christian. Show people how godly living can be a lifestyle and the Word Of God, a standard for life.
9. Let others go first.
10. Live a life of peace, that fears nothing, that honours God.

  • We know what love is known by what it does, so all lovers of Christ will not continue in their old ways, in conscious disobedience to His Word. They do not live in fear of any danger because the Lord is their shield and no evil will befall them.
    Beloved, only Jesus can save you. Your survival in this period required that come under superior protection, so you can find rest for your soul. People are busy labouring to establish themselves in wealth and honour, others are seeking pleasure, but child of God, don't be deceived.  This is the time to rededicate yourself to serving God faithfully in your office, home, school and in business.  

    It is the time to pray as though your life depends on it and work hard and prosper in the Lord.  This is the time to have the best of relationship with Christ. His yoke is easy – meaning His commandments are holy, just and good, requiring only a willing and obedient heart and self-denial.  
    It is a time you must deepen yourself in the Word and know what to do as a believer at every point in time. Some children of God are labouring to establish their own righteousness instead of keying into the free gift of righteousness that Jesus gives us. They are looking for righteousness, fasting for it when it is already inside of them.  It entered their lives the day they gave their heart to Christ, the only thing needed is to manifest it.

    Beloved this is the time to give your heart wholeheartedly to Jesus and get committed to serving Him and be led by His Spirit. No matter what challenges you are facing, do not look back, carry your load of troubles and follow Jesus Christ,  He is a burden bearer and you can be sure that in due time, He will remove the burden from off your shoulders and give you rest. 

    The Lord Advises all
    Therefore, keep meditating on what is good and honorable in your heart - For I the Lord searches the heart of men to see those that trust in me and to deliver them from their troubles and set them free.  Let your heart be pure, you shall continually meet with favor!

    Sons and daughters, take my Spirit for I am lowly and live out my nature in Galatians 5:14-26 and it shall be well with you.  Above all, victory is sure for you on earth and eternity thereafter, for I am the Ressurection and Life, I am JESUS CHRIST!
    Why not Embrace Jesus Christ Today
    Will you give your heart to Him today? Will you rededicate your heart to Him to serve Him without complaining any longer.  Personally, I have made a commitment NEVER to complain, no matter what the issue may be....and my personal experience has been awesome.  

    There is a peace of mind that accompanies you because you know your Lord is with you to help you and all is well. Again, let us look into the scriptures to see what it says about JESUS CHRIST.


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