How Faulty Foundation destroys MINISTRY - Pastor caught in the Church!

Pastor Caught with 2 female church members
What wrong foundation could do to a Pastor...

This is one of the most interesting topics in Christianity.  The foundation of a Believer is Christ, He is our foundation, yet that is spiritual foundation after our new birth.  If it is important for builders to investigate the ground before erecting a structure on it, then it is important that a person should investigate his or her foundation.

Foundational problems are one of the most difficult issues to handle, because of its complexity. When your foundation is polluted, your destiny will be polluted. Every faulty foundation will give birth to a faulty life. You cannot go beyond the level of your foundation. The son of a polygamous man will have to decide that he would not never to marry a second wife, otherwise, the devil will bring temptations in that area for him.

It is a faulty foundation that manipulates people into wrong choices.  For instance, Pastors and other ministers of God know there are two 'deadly things', a Pastor or Prophet must not touch.  They are:
1. Money
2. Women   
The Caveat is clear...Touch not God's money and touch not the women!  Any Pastor that touches any of these two will not be innocent, he may not also end well.  But men of God with faulty foundation ignore the warning, because of wrong influence from their foundation.

You do not touch God's money if you want to prosper in ministry and secondly, you must be careful with women...You dare not go near an apple that is not yours, either to look, touch or examine, if you do that, you are practically finished.  

The witches in the church will wait for you at the Pastor's Church to 'waste' you slowly. Imagine what will happen, when you have a faulty foundation as a Pastor.  You have not broken your fallow grounds, destroyed all the curses in your family-line through prayers.  There is also the evil deeds of your fore-fathers that could speak against your future, then the devil can stage any drama with such a Pastor at any time. 

What is Spiritual Foundation
A foundation is the load-bearing part of the building. It is below the ground, and it cannot be seen.  If the foundation is unstable, cracks will develop in the building.  Most cracks in homes come from foundation issues; in other words, a problem with something you can't see is causing a problem with something you can see.  A foundation must be deeper and stronger than the building itself.  How long a foundation lasts depends on the quality of the rock in which it is anchored.

The spiritual foundation of a person consists of deeds, agreements and covenants entered into by their parents and grand parents. If they served the Lord, it is recorded for them as good, for the benefit of their children, but if they served the devil, strange gods, it is also written for them as evil deed that will be used to visit their children, even to the fourth generation. The issue of foundation is rooted in the word of God in Exodus 20:5, where God warned His people not to bow or serve other gods.  The Lord says " Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me".

A person can be looking good physically, but if his spiritual foundation is weak, it is believed that over time, the evil deeds of his parents will turn things against him, in the physical.  Recently, there was a young who was experiencing difficulty in life.  Business was going down and in his marriage, there was no child in marriage, after many years.  When the Spirit will identify him for prayer, the minister observed there was a spirit being claiming ownership of the man, based on the covenant his father entered with the evil spirit.  

The devil makes his agents to enter into covenant and to dedicate their children to the idol, without the knowledge of the children.  The effect is always felt later in the life of the children.

What is a faulty foundation?
It is the secret act of your fore-fathers that could speak could speak negative words against your progress in life.  with a heavy consequence on your life that you do not know...or that you refuse to do anything about. Things like evil dedication, Murders, secret covenants and other acts of wickedness done by your parents without your knowledge.

The bible says If the foundation is destroyed, what shall the righteous do...He/she would have to pray, pray and pray until God repairs that foundation for him.  God repairs foundation through our prayers and He delivers us the sins and errors of our forefathers.

If the Pastor was dedicated to a marine spirit while he was young without him knowing, or it could be someone told him and he said it does  not matter, he is born again and washed  by the blood of Jesus, that may be true, but a marine spirit is holding on the covenant his parents entered with the spirit and the spirit is claiming that the Pastor is his own.  Until the evil dedication is destroyed, he will not be free from the torment of that evil spirit.

Pastors and indeed children of God should make inquiries about their foundation in order to pray and destroy evil secret covenants, the evil dedication that could work against them in the future.  For a Pastor to desire to sleep with other men's wife, he is under the influence of a strong marine spirit, which will normally want to disgrace him for opting to serve God instead of serving the Queen of the Coast - a marine demon.

For him to consider doing this drama within the Church premises - in his office is another indication that the demon has gained total control of him and it is the demon that is directing him on what he should do.  When that happens, disgrace is nearby for such a child of God.  The reason is simple, the demon will demand such a thing at wrong places and wrong times to disgrace the person.

This is why many people masturbate and do other strange behaviours in the office, buses and other places.  They are helpless against the spirit of lust, projected on them by the demonic power.  It could also manifest in other behaviours that people do today.  The devil loves to make people sin against God, so the Lord will judge them, and depart from such a person, the person becomes vulnerable to all kinds of attack from hell.

The Story - How foundation destroy Destiny

A Cameroonian pastor was allegedly caught red-handed having a threesome with 2 married members of his church.  
In a video making the rounds on social media, the said pastor and the women were paraded naked and as can be the seen in the video, their faces have swollen up which shows that they were beaten when they were caught.

The bodies are also dirty with mud all over them. They were taken by the security probably to avoid being lynched by the angry mob who continued to boo and jeer them. It's such a shame that the pastor will stoop so low to have sex with married women and members of the church.  Sad

THIS IS TERRIBLE No child of God should be ignorant of evil dedication and secret covenants made by parents and guardians especially in Africa.  A person dedicated to idols, marine spirit or even witchcraft spirit can hardly walk in holiness until such a covenant is broken through deliverance prayers.
The women involved in this shameful act will not even bother themselves if they were agents of the devil, assigned to disgrace the Pastor.  When the devil gives his agents assignment to carry out, it does not matter whether such a woman or man is married, they must do what their master, the devil has assigned them.  They are not even remorseful.

The looser in all these is the Pastor who has been disgraced and probably that will terminate his ministry, at least in Cameroon. Children of God must be careful, continually assess the spirit speaking to them.  When you hear strange voices, you are not sure is not the Holy Spirit, go for deliverance.

The work of the devil

Who would imagine that the Pastor will find two women in his own church for this shameful act?  But it is the spirit living inside the Pastor that brought these women to him and arranged the whole show in order to disgrace him.  There is a voice speaking against him in the spirit, or he could also be dedicated to a marine spirit that is claiming ownership of the man, and he ignored the information.  When you do that, the water demon will rise up against such a Pastor and fill him with the spirit of lust, and also send his agents to meet him.

It is only with a strong negative influence that can make a Pastor ever think of sleeping with two women at the same time and in the church premises. This unthinkable act will become easy when the demon in the man sees the demon in the women, the unthinkable becomes easy.

When the foundation of a person has cracks, the demon working against the person will be sending wrong people to them, the wrong woman to marry, wrong friends and associates.  The purpose is to frustrate, derail or disgrace the person.  The matter is worse when such a person chooses to serve God instead of the idols that his forefathers served.   A declaration for God by such a person is a declaration of war with all darkness - It's a terrible battle to fight. 


In everything we do, whether physically or spiritually, there must be a foundation. It is the foundation of a building that will determine if a building will be stable and durable. In anything, we should consider the foundation, upon which the plan will stand.

If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The righteous should pray.  Everyone that wants to serve God and minister as a Deliverance Minister, must be free from faulty foundation.  If the foundation is not addressed, it can bring a person down from any exalted position in life.


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